Thursday 26 November 2009

Hard Bargain


The dreaded time has come, to my end of 2 years mobile contract with O2 and the hassle of deciding on what new phone to get. I am no gadget freak, as long as it gets dialling and I can hear the other person and vice versa I am happy.

i-Phone never appealed to me for some reason, probably because it looks too complicated for my taste. I mean, I have computers where I don't have to squint my eyes to play games etc, so why bother right?? And I am superorganize woman that I don't need a little machine thing to tell me when my next pantyliner shopping is up.

Anyways, went with N to have a browse of new phones (good lord things do move fast after 2 years!!). I am hooked on Palm-Pre (of course as primitive as I am I do still want to own a smartphone heehee...) But honestly it was N that was more hooked on it than me, and being a loving wife and crap, I said I liked it too. HTC HD2 looks fab but not yet readily available and I am not prepared to pay more than what I am already as a monthly contract. I mean seriously...£5 more each month added up to £120 in 2 years!!! And that's like......over 120 packets of Carefree pantyliners (with Aloe Vera added in may I add ahem) worth of supply! And if I use a pack a month that will last me *calculates with fingers and toes*.... 10 years man! whoa.

Anyways, it's hard to strike a bargain out there. No one really interested to offer anything apart from the standard package. But we bumped into this young guy in Phones4u, and he offered a month free line rental, and £50 cashback trade-in phone. Not bad at all, although I am bit heavy-hearted to part with my good ole samsung mobile.

Having rung O2 and asking if they could offer me any better or match it at least, which they flat refused, I decided best to go for the above. But then, it popped on O2 website just before I left that they will give the touchstone docking station as a free gift worth £43.98. So then on the phone again to O2 to clarify, and 2 of their staff were not even aware such free gift exist...I mean seriously...useless!. Anyways, they agreed to the gift thing.

So I rung back Phones4u, letting him know about o2 deal, saying that if he can't do better I won't bother driving down to town. He offered me £80 cashback straight today if I trade in any junky old phone as long as it switches on. I didn't budge so it went to £90. I could push further but having surveying the best deals online this sounds pretty good already so I agreed.

Got there, and believe it or not this poor kid made a mistake by offering to throw in free insurance worth £5 a month!! I was like seriously you cannot be right (bankrupt la pulakkk diaorang ni kang). But who am I to decline right? So he went ahead and called the service provider to upgrade, and realised he made a mistake and should not be offering the tariff on smartphones like the Palm-Pre. So imagine the carnage when he tried to backtrack....OmG it was hilarious! I obviously played the very very unhappy customer (note I was not rude OK), manager came as I think he heard our conversation. The manager seemed shocked as well that the guy had offered me the £90 cashback. Cut story short I asked for flat £100 cashback (only extra £10 to reimburse for my emotional damage)... and he agreed!!! Mwuaahahaha!

So I am a very happy bunny. Not only that, I didn't have to trade in my beloved Samsung as I found one of N's old Siemens phone instead.

The poor kid will probably lose £10 off his salary this month but what the heck, it's Christmas right? Consider it a treat for me :D

Thursday 12 November 2009

Oink achoo

Just started a blog and so the lazy to update already. But then, we both were down with the damn pig flu.

I was told (infact was telling my patients) that 'most cases are mild', but mild my ass! I was wiped out for a week! The first 3 days was awful. But N been absolute angel. Tepid sponging, cooking, cleaning etc, bless... But then he came down with it as well on my day 3.

Anyways, we're all well now and back to work. Oh, did I tell you that we met up with my bro in London. It was really nice to see him, and he met N for the first time too! If it wasn't for my damn flu we would have had a swell time in Bicester shopping. But anyways, it was nice to meet up. Stayed at Cem's place too, and infect her with the virus after heehee..

I'm off to Brum this weekend instead, new car rattling already so Mazda promised they will look into it. Plus LOTS to do and shop before going back to Malaysia! Weehay!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Kejap ado kejap takdo

Eh. Camno boley hilang the first 11 questions bawah tu? Ish... gilo blogketuat nih. Malas ah nak correct.

Anyways, hubby also the same. Now you see him, now you don't. Baru sampai semalam, today gone already. Aiseh, susah lah hidup jejauh nih. Buttt....nak buat camno. Surprisingly, even when both of you were so used to living alone for many (many) years, when you've hooked up all lovey dovey, you do miss your significant other terribly when they're gone. Not that we yap much throughout the day, but just the presence of the other person makes you feel so at ease. And when he's gone, suddenly the emptiness hits you on your face unexpectedly like someone's silent fart. It stinks man.

Miss you N.

Saturday 24 October 2009

In just one word

I'm waiting for N to arrive, boring ah.

Tagging crap - In just one word (I cheated on a few..heehee)

1. Where is your cell phone? - Floor
2. Your significant other? – NK

3. Your hair? - Bad
4. Your mother? – Missed
5. Your father? - Constipated
6. Your favorite place? - Home
7. Your dream last night? - Caves
8. Your favorite drink? – Tea

9. Your dream/goal? - Retire
10. What room you are in? - Lounge
11. Your hobby? – Drive

12. Your fear? - Scabies
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Seychelles
14. Where were you last night? – Home
15. Something that you aren't? - Articulate
16. Muffins? – Nu’uh
17. Wish list item? - SLK
18. Where you grew up? - Boarding
19. Last thing you did? - Cooked
20. What are you wearing? - Clothes
21. Your TV? - On
22. Your pet(s)? - Dead
23. Friends? - Few
24. Your life? - Great
25. Your mood? - Numb
26. Missing someone? - Terribly
27. Car? – Mazda
28. Something you're not wearing? – Weddingring –(damn where is it?)
29. Your favorite store? - Online
30. Your favorite color? - Grey
33. When is the last time you laughed? – Now (looking for my ring lol)
34. Last time you cried? - Monday
35. Who will resend this? – No-one
36. One place that I go to over and over? - Loo
37. One person who emails me regularly? - Hubby

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Stockholm Syndrome

OK, not quite the title (for the real definition click here). But we had a lovely time in Stockholm, we really wish we didn't have to leave!

I'm still knackered, arrived 2 am last night and had to work this morning. Eukh. I will be flat out in a bit. Pictures to come once I'm done trying to figure out how the hell to JPEG a raw format pic. I have N to blame, why can't you just pick an easy setting and be done with it? Men, I tell you.

We packed a lot to see in 4 days, but I think we did well. Food was good although struggled to really find a real swedish dish (that we can eat anyways). In fact the best meal I had was this gorgeous Norwegian grilled salmon lol. Nevermind eh, as long as within the spirit of scandinavian :D. Since we both had to stick with vegetarian or seafood, afraid we had to skip the Swedish meatballs. The closest N got to it was when he had to share the sauna room at the hotel with a naked Swedish man (I bet the balls were cooked well done! haha!). Songsang betul mat swedish nih, kesian laki aku heehee...

But bloody hell aren't things expensive in Sweden! Now I have to go check my bank balance...more updates when I have the will, and money to live.

Monday 12 October 2009

Just another Manic Monday

Oh boy what a day. 7pm at work and I was still typing my referrals.

I felt good today though. A patient of mine came in this afternoon to see me, I've only seen her twice before. Poor woman unfortunately losing her hearing for the past few years following mini strokes and infections after another. It got her so down that she was so depressed, but has always put a brave face on especially with her family. She felt the medical professionals have brushed her off all these many years. I guess you don't realised how awful it would be when one of your 5 senses taken away from you.

She did struck me as depressed initially, you know one of those heart sinking patient, you thought whatever you say she will not take it in. But the two times I saw her, as much as I could not offer her miracles to cure her problems, all I could offer was time to listen. She made me run 20 mins late the first time, and 50 mins late on the second encounter.

However, she came back today with the first smile I've ever seen, infact many of it throughout the consultation. She told me that on the day she saw me for the first time, she was already contemplating to 'end it all', infact with details of ways to do it without 'leaving a mess behind' for her beloved family. She walked into my surgery, in her own words 'as a last try to seek some hope'. She thanked me profusely for the time I gave her, that she felt she's finally listened to. The 2nd consultation made her realised, that the heavy baggage she carried with her which pulled her down so much all these while, in fact was just little things in accummulation. And as she picks these things out of 'the bag' bit by bit, they were not as intimidating as she thought they might be.

We had 30mins chat today (this time I got her to book in a triple appointment). At the end of it, she gave me a good hug, and told me I have saved her life.

And I did not do anything heroic at all, just listened. It felt worth every second of it.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Double effects

Today started at 1130am :D. I don't normally 'sleep in' on weekends but didn't have a good sleep last night. I dreamt something that wasn't pleasant, although I didn't remember waking up in between. And without N here this weekend, I have no one to annoy and bully too early in the morning. *sobs*

For some reason Nickelback's song Savin' Me seemed to got stuck in my head now. I first heard the song cover by Ana Free on youtube. She's this Portuguese born American accent girl who posted quite a lot of videos of herself playing guitar and singing on youtube. Nice voice, lovely face, 'dontcha wish yer gf was hot like me' kinda physique. Just the lot really (honest, I'm not jealous heehee..). Anyways her version was slow and justsweet. N laughed when he heard it and showed me the original song by Nickelback. He said she killed the song, mocking her version (tensen betul). At first I absolutely dislike it, I hate headbanging type sounds but eventually the original seems to hook on me better now. Plus, the original video clip is interesting, spooky but in a clever way. If you've not seen it before, check it out here.

Ana Free's version here; (ok i just realised i don't know feck about adding links in lol!hope it works) .

So, watcha think? Any preference. See what I mean about the NB's spooky video clip? Ok stop airwaving top of your head *titters*.

Anyways, caught up with my good friend Darina today and her beautiful ever fast growing twins. Oli's flirting with me as ever with his gorgeous smile and showing off his milestones skills. Isabella is now starting to come out of her shell, and makes a LOT of noises. So adorable! I got to feed her today and she wouldn't stop rocking during feed that the spoon almost went into her nose! Girl looks like dad, and boy looks like mum, I mean how perfect is that?!

I wonder what mine would look like. I do get the occasional broodiness, but I blame it all on hormones and crap. We decided we'll leave another 2 years before trying, mostly to get more settled in terms of where to live etc. And will definitely need a bigger place than this should we contemplate having a family. I love this place, my first ever pad bought with my hard earned money, with so many memories to it. But I suppose we all have to move on, and I am definitely ready for a much bigger place.Me want me own garden so me can golek golek like hindustan around the flower beds ya know!

Friday 9 October 2009

Me and hubby are off to Stockholm for a long weekend next week. Weehay! I can't damn wait. I've always wanted to try and finish off Scandinavia, although this will only be my 2nd Scandinavian trip after Norway years ago.

We got really cheap Ryan air flight tickets for £20 the two of us (seriously...can't complain). And not spending a penny on hotel as we got it free using airmiles I collected for yonks. So considering we're going to a well known expensive city, I think we can leg it and get to splurge on more important things

I had N all excited on this.... 3 hours of endless shrimp buffets cruise around Stockholm archipelagos!! *screams...dies...wakes up..and screams again*.

But then, we had a look at the date, and it's only running until September! feck! Swedish are such teasers.

*Sighs* oh well nevermind.

Now that I've ended my single days...

I have never been a good diary keeper. Nevertheless I thought I'd create this entirely for personal use and reminder of plenty of good memories (praying much less of bad ones).

I finally got married to a wonderful man on the magical date of 060609, followed by a simple yet unforgettable civil wedding day on the 110709, attended only by family and very close friends. Lots of pic to show off but this shot is my favourite. I don't just look happy I AM happy!

Believe it or not I still have 2 weddings to go! Talk about 4 weddings (hopefully without a funeral following..eik). Looking forward to have my Malaysian wedding on the 201209, and then my first ever trip hopefully to meet peeps in India :D.