Thursday 12 November 2009

Oink achoo

Just started a blog and so the lazy to update already. But then, we both were down with the damn pig flu.

I was told (infact was telling my patients) that 'most cases are mild', but mild my ass! I was wiped out for a week! The first 3 days was awful. But N been absolute angel. Tepid sponging, cooking, cleaning etc, bless... But then he came down with it as well on my day 3.

Anyways, we're all well now and back to work. Oh, did I tell you that we met up with my bro in London. It was really nice to see him, and he met N for the first time too! If it wasn't for my damn flu we would have had a swell time in Bicester shopping. But anyways, it was nice to meet up. Stayed at Cem's place too, and infect her with the virus after heehee..

I'm off to Brum this weekend instead, new car rattling already so Mazda promised they will look into it. Plus LOTS to do and shop before going back to Malaysia! Weehay!

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